Our VAC – Ski Day is taking place on Saturday, 29.02.2020. On this day we are going to have a awesome Ski Day together in Flums.
The day will start at 7:30 at the big clock in Zurich HB, taking the train to get to Flums Unterterzen. From Unterterzen a cable car will take us directly to the Winter Wonderland of Flumserberg. The estimated return to Zurich is 19:00. During the day, we will have smaller skiing groups, fitting to the individual skiing skills. At the moment we are planning to have lunch together at approx. 13:00.
Everyone pays for his/her own train ticket (13,50 CHF with halbtax) and ski pass (67 CHF).
If you do not have skiing/boarding equipment you can rent some at INTERSPORT Flumserberg Tannenboden which is located directly at the slopes. More information about prices and reservation can be found under: https://intersportflumserberg.ch/.
You want to join us? Great! 😊 Please register here: https://de.surveymonkey.com/r/TQ2DQ5W
Note: If the snow conditions or weather are terrible, we will write a mail to all registered participants. Please keep in mind, that you should bring all necessary winter clothes and you should be able to ski safely at least at a rudimentary level.